About us
- PROFESSOR IN ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE The World Science and Culture Foundation University. Health Culture Foundation, University (U.S.A.) 12/21/1991.
- YOGA INSTRUCTOR Secretariat of Culture and Education. of the Province of Buenos Aires M.C.B.A. (Argentina) 30/11/1993.
- REFLEXOLOGIST International Institute of Reflexology (USA) 05/11/1994.
- POSTGRADUATE IN HOLISTIC REFLEXOLOGY Argentine School of Holistic Reflexology. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 11/05/1994.
- CERTIFICATE IN POLARITY THERAPY Natural Therapies Center. México D.F. 12/25/1994.
- INTEGRATORY BODY THERAPIST School of Mind-Body Integration 12/11/1995.
- TUI NA (Chinese massage) Dr. Wan Yu and Dr. Qian. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1997.
- CALIFORNIAN MASSAGE Oasis massage school. Buenos Aires, Argentina 11/11/1997.
- AYURVEDA MASSAGE Panchakarma Institute, DR. Franklin. Kerala, India 12/28/1998.
- THAI MASSAGE Templo Wat Po, Bangkok, Tailandia 2/29/1999.
- YOGIC HEALING With the master SS Pritam Pal Singh Khalsa, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2001 – 2002.
- TANTRIC NUMEROLOGY With the master SS Pritam Pal Singh Khalsa, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2001 – 2002.
- CRANEO SACRAL THERAPY With the Kga. Fistra. Nadia Félix, Bs. As, Argentina 2002.
- KUNDALINI YOGA TEACHER International certification, KRI, USA 2004.
- THAI MASSAGE Wat Po Temple, Bangkok, Thailand 2/29/1999.
- Compatible Food, Berta Furer, Buenos Aires, 6/8/1990.
- Mental Control, Dr. Beroiz, Buenos Aires, 9/7/1991.
- Qi Gong: Opening of Meridians, Dr. Alan Baudet (France) 8/31/1996.
- Qi Gong: Ba Dua Chin, Dr A. Michel (France) 12/6/1996.
- Qi Gong: Tai Chi Qi Gong, Dr. Ives Requena (France) 08/11/1996.
- Qi Gong: Wu Qin Xi, Chinese Argentine Association of Qi Gong, Buenos Aires 9/24/1998.
- Coordination of Theatrical Games, Hilda Cañete, Buenos Aires, 1995.
- Terapia Gestalt, Escuela de Integración Cuerpo – Mente, Buenos Aires,1995.
- Theater. Stanislavsky Method, Joy Morris, Buenos Aires, 1997.
- INTEGRATIVE BODY THERAPY School of Traditional Massages, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1999 – 2002.
- DANCEABILITY With Alito Alessi (U.S.A.) in Brecha, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1999.
- AYURVEDIC REJUVENATION MASSAGE Panchakarma Institute, Dr. Franklin, Kerala, India, 1998.
- AYURVEDIC FOOT MASSAGE Herbal Remedies India, Tiruvananthapuram, India, 1998.
- SOUND THERAPY WITH TIBETAN SINGING BOWLS With Satna Ram, Kathmandu, Nepal, January 1999.
- TIBETAN BUDDHISM. PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE OF MEDITATION With H.E. Dorzon Rinpoche and Ven. Choegyal Rinpoche. Saraha Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1998.
- DANCE MOVEMENT THERAPY With Sharon Chaiklin (U.S.A.) in Brecha, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998.
-Oasis Massage School, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1997 – 1998.
-International Certification at Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA, USA. 2013. 2013.
-Trigger Points and Deep Tissue, Oasis, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1999. - FOOT REFLEXOLOGY School of Traditional Massages, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1997.
- PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST – MENTAL CALM Anie Sangye Chödron, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1995 – 1997.
- MANTRA YOGA – KUNDALINI YOGA With HH Pritam Pal Singh Khalsa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1994.
- MEDITATION AND SELF-KNOWLEDGE Introduction to the FOURTH PATH (G.I. Gurdjieff).
- COACHING WINGWAVE Symbiotic Institute, Majorca, Spain, 2021
- MASTER IN COUNSELING AND GESTALT THERAPY Clinical School and Health Sciences, Tarragona, Spain, 2021
Seminars held:
- TANTRIC NUMEROLOGY Master HH Pritam Pal Singh Khalsa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2002.
- YOGIC HEALING Master HH Pritam Pal Singh Khalsa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001 – 2002.
- MASSAGES FOR BABIES AND CHILDREN School of Traditional Massages, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001.
- KRIYA YOGA Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Art of Living Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2000.
- TRIGGER POINT RELEASE & ESALEN BODYWORK With Arthur Munyer at Esalen Institute, Big Sur CA, U.S.A., 1999.
- QI GONG – WU QIN XI Master Qian Lan Gen, Chinese Argentine Chi Kung Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998.
- TUI NA (Chinese Massage) With Claudio Selleng, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998.
- POLARITY THERAPYSchool of Traditional Massages, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1997.